In Edit Mode
designing and engaging with inter- and transmediality and translation processes
exploring plagiarism and strategies re-working found or stolen texts and images
a sound/writing lab exploring the collaborative production of experimental sound pieces that posit a relationship to writing, text or printed matter, often semi-improvised and often involving found and sampled materials, field recordings, readings of text
using the facades and shop windows of the Publication Studio Malmö building as a public interface and publishing surface to feature work produced in collaboration with invited authors and artists.
Artists' Books
a platform for the production of more complex installation and exhibition projects and limited-edition artists’ books produced in different collaborative constellations and related to issues or problematics embodied, materially and discursively, in specific sites or archives. These projects include: 23,500T, a critical engagement with the infamous Brutalist housing estate Park Hill in Sheffield, UK; Concrete, & The Smear, a discursive and material sound and text exploration of the derelict defence bunkers scattered along the littorals across Europe and the US; Border, a publication and installation taking the form of a wallpaper border reworking fragments extracted from the collection of historical graphic prints housed at KUMU Art Museum in Tallinn; and FILM, a printed text, video and performance based project reworking a found draft of a thwarted attempt at an autobiography dealing with migration and maritime labour during the end of the 19th and first half of the 20th Century.
Taking the physical form of a two-storey former post office in central Malmö, Publication Studio Malmö (2009-2016) involved several different collaborative constellations of participants with different points of entry into each project, exploring experimental forms of dissemination, in particular artists' books and chapbooks, focusing on creative critical writing and an expanded sense of publishing as a collaborative activity involving exploratory research, conversations, discussions and collective learning in symposia and seminars as well as making-oriented activities such as writing and printing workshops, design, editing, prototyping and events-based activities such as release parties, exhibitions, screenings, live readings and performances.